The most common reconstruction choice after mastectomy is the insertion of skin expanders and eventually implants, which can be very successful for many women. However, you may end up having to revise your implant surgery for a number of reasons: you may experience capsular contracture, an implant may rupture, the skin around the implant may begin to sag and stretch over time, or there may be an infection that requires removal of the implant. You may also decide that you prefer to have a breast reconstructed from you own tissue rather than from an implant to avoid complications associated with a prosthetic device.
What many women do not know is that even if your initial breast reconstruction was implant-based, DIEP flap reconstruction may still be an option when the need for a revision arises. If you are healthy enough to tolerate general anesthesia, a non-smoker and of normal to above-normal weight, you may be a candidate for DIEP flap reconstruction, which utilizes your own skin, tissue and small vessels (taken from the abdomen) to create a new breast.
The decision to have breast reconstruction after mastectomy is an important one; every woman should consult her own physician and surgeon to determine the best course of action.
For more information on DIEP flap reconstruction as a revision after previous breast reconstruction, please contact the Redstone MD staff at 212.249.1500 or 973.867.8388. Dr. Redstone has offices in New York City and in West Orange, New Jersey.